Why Outsource to Component Runner?

Variable Cost versus Overhead Cost

In today's economy, businesses are avoiding adding overhead whenever possible, sometimes to the detriment of growth. As business improves we see increases in estimating and production design that can easily overload your already stretched design staff.  Why not outsource your overflow design work and win more business?

Since 2007, Component Runner, LLC. has provided hundreds of MiTek Component Manufacturers with a viable outsourced design solution at reasonable rates. 

We like to think of ourselves as the "half person" you wish you had now and then. With Component Runner we are that 1/2 person. we are available to you on a job-by-job basis allowing you to use us only when you need us. This allows our cost to be directly attributed to individual jobs making it a variable cost versus an overhead cost.

Professional and Legitimate

When you outsource something as important as SBC design, you may feel a loss of control because the designer is off-site and potentially unaccountable. This can cause frustration.

At Component Runner, our USA-based Project Managers are hand-picked and bring a minimum of 10 years of experience in the SBC industry in design and design management. In fact, our average PM experience equals 23 years! They represent some of the SBC industry's best component designers and are focused on quick turn-around times and excellent customer service. Our USA team has over 325 years of design experience!

In July of 2007, Component Runner, LLC started in a barn in Massachusetts. Since then we have worked with hundreds of MiTek Component Manufacturers and to date we have completed over 11,000 jobs.

Communication is never a  problem with our team because we know the importance of meeting, and exceeding our customer's expectations.  

We are a MiTek STRUCTURE Authorized Licensee working on your behalf

Component Runner, LLC is an Authorized Licensee of MiTek® Structure. We use MiTek Structure exclusively for providing structural modeling, editing, and estimating services to Component Manufacturers who are customers of MiTek. MiTek Structure is a trademark of MiTek Inc. Component Runner, LLC is not otherwise legally affiliated with MiTek Inc.

Insured for everyone's protection

Component Runner, LLC carries errors and omissions insurance to protect our company, our associates, and our customers.

Contact us today to learn more about Component Runner!


Component Runner, LLC
P.O. Box 45 - Shingle Springs, CA 95682

Phone: (314)374-7400
Copyright© 2007-2025. All Rights Reserved.